Thursday, January 10, 2008


When I was first pregnant, a very long time ago, I wanted a daughter. I thought it was because I wouldn't know how to raise a son, because I am, after all, female. I got a son, and after a while, I figured out that this was a good thing, because if I had a daughter, I would have wanted her to be everything I was and everything I wasn't too. That would have been an awfully heavy burden to put on such a tiny being. So I had a son and he taught me that it didn't matter what I wanted, because he was who he was and that is so wonderful, I didn't really care anymore. So then, when I was pregnant again, I wanted a daughter, because I had a son already. I thought it would be perfect if I had one of each and it has been. My daughter is who she is and is everything she could ever want or need to be. She is far beyond me in everything I have ever done that was important or clever or even interesting. It's a good thing, because she knows I love flamingos and she put them here for you to see.

1 comment:

Maddie said...

Not beyond you, just different. There are so many things that I can't begin to do that you can do. I love you, mom.