Friday, January 18, 2008


The nice thing about life is that you never really know what is going to happen. You may think you do, but really, you don't, especially in the long run. Some people make projections and some of those projections are accurate, but they can't predict the quirky turns life takes; the little mistakes, the little triumphs, the leaps of faith or magic moments that do occur. The decisions that people make and then follow through on. The happenstance meetings or stories you read or hear that inspire and result in a change. The chances you take. The bad thing that turns out well, the good thing that goes bad. Everything changes. That's both good and bad. If you are happy now, you must know that something unhappy is in your future, because the universe is not static and everything changes. If you are unhappy now, it will not last forever, unless you make it so. Even you change. Every 7 years all of your cells are different.

I love flamingos. They eat shrimp. They nest in alkaloid lakes where nothing else lives. They are pink. Their knees are backwards.

I love flamingos. They are improbable.

I love flamingos. They remind me that life is not predictable. You just never know, even when you think you do.

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