Whenever things in my life start to go south, my mind strays towards the absurd. Hence the flamingo decorations. Looking at them now, I wonder what I was thinking. We have a family legend that things go badly in odd numbered years with Republican administrations. We had a Democratic administration, (or so it seems) so things didn't go too badly south this year. Mom needed serious surgery, but she is well recovered. My poor aunt died after a horrible and prolonged illness. I guess nothing saves either part of that, except that possibly she lives on in her lovely granddaughters and great-granddaughters which will soon number 1 more. I had spinal surgery, but I got very good advice from the oddest of places, and because of that, I am doing very well. Just before Thanksgiving, I got a call from my almost-life-long friend saying that her husband had died suddenly. Shocked and devastated, yet she is bearing it with grace and strength that she didn't know she had, but I always did. I spent Christmas Eve coughing and sneezing, hacking and wheezing to the point that I stayed home from our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. But, I was well enough to at least attend Christmas Day. I didn't get too close to the family. We won't even talk about how I was looking. Suffice to say, it's a good thing we don't have a formal Christmas dinner. Em did well to marshal the under-40 set to assist mom and BJ didn't need to be asked. I am always proud of my kids. I think it was the pain and anticipation of the spinal surgery that sent me over the edge. It could be worse, some people drink. I bake cookies and buy ridiculous lawn decorations. Next year, well, let's not make any promises.
And to all, a good night.