It has been 3 days since the world changed. It has taken me a few days to process it. I sat and watched the election returns come in and was so nervous that something would go wrong. Polls are not always right and so many dirty tricks have succeeded in the past. When I was a child it was illegal for a black person and a white person to marry in some states and it was frowned upon everywhere. On Tuesday night I saw thousands of people dancing in Grant Park because we had elected a black person as our president. On Wednesday, I saw people from Germany to Djakarta, from London to South Africa, dancing because we elected Barak Obama. People in Pakistan rejoiced because we elected a man whose father was a Muslim. They cheered in India and Japan. Our president is supposed to be the leader of the free world, but for 8 years we've had a bully. I get the sense that even with the limited contact people in France have had with him, they can sense that here is a leader, here is our change. When was the last time anyone real moved you to tears or made you want to dance?